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Softwood Or Hardwood Decking – Which One Is Good And Why?

· Decking Boards,Timber for Decking,Hardwood Decking,Decking Supplies,Timber Decking

A big deck is often considered an USP of a property, but in some cases; people are found confused regarding deck construction. The biggest confusion they have is of the material to be used because some people recommend softwood while some recommend hardwood decking. Here in this post, we will study both softwood and hardwood timber for decking.

Decking Boards


In terms of choosing the right timber for decking, people are often tempted to go for softwood because of the fact that it is available at very affordable rates. However, some points that might be concerning are the durability, the power to withstand weight and so on.

If you have decided to go for softwood decking boards, it important to make sure that the wood is treated first to H3 hazard level for added strength. There is nothing better for the softwood, if it has been preservative treated to H5 hazard level because this would guarantee added strength.

Experts further say that you need to ensure that the softwood is fully treated for being used as timber of decking.


There is no doubt that hardwood is more expensive than the softwood, but this is also a fact that hardwood decking is several times stronger than softwood. The reason is that it is naturally stronger and it cones with more durability, rich colour and nice quality hues. Amongst all kinds of hardwood used as timber for decking, standard pine is the most affordable version, but it has some drawbacks as well like it distorts and degrades really quickly as compared to others. The next name in the list is of premium pine timber that has a more defined appearance and is more durable that the lot. Another interesting fact about premium pine is that before being sold as a timber for decking, this is checked for defects such as splits; bark encasing, piths and so on.

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